General inforamation:-

A Paddy Planter is a specialized transplanter fitted to transplant rice seedlings onto paddy field. Mainly two types of rice transplanter i.e., riding type and walking type. Riding type is power driven and can usually transplant six lines in one pass. On the other hand, walking type is manually driven and can usually transplant four lines in one pass.
Machine transplanting using rice transplanters requires considerably less time and labour than manual transplanting. It increases the approximate area that a person can plant from 700 to 10,000 square metres per day.


t is used for transplanting paddy seedling into main field. It is two type, riding type and walking type. Riding type is power driven. It can transplant six line in one pass. Walking type is manually operated and it


It is used for transplanting paddy seedling into main field. It is two type, riding type and walking type. Riding type is power driven. It can transplant six line in one pass. Walking type is manually operated and it .


It is used for transplanting paddy seedling into main field. It is two type, riding type and walking type. Riding type is power driven. It can transplant six line in one pass. Walking type is manually operated and it .


It is used for transplanting paddy seedling into main field. It is two type, riding type and walking type. Riding type is power driven. It can transplant six line in one pass. Walking type is manually operated and it .