Organic ways:-
Pest control from Neem prepared chemical medicines:-
Neem is originated from India. It is planted in every type of soil. It will increase land fertility. The fruiting starts in February to March month and the fruits mature after 4 months. Its leaves, neem cake, bark, branches, roots and new shoots all are useful. Mainly seeds of Neem cake contain 30-40% oil content.
Importance of Neem:-
Medicines prepared from Neem plant is used for pest control because it contains 0.2-0.3% of Azadirachtin which will help to repel the nematodes. It will make harder for the insect to grow and lay eggs. The number of friendly-pests will increase. It will also increase Nitrogen amount. By using this there is no adverse effect on human and animals. Apart from this, it contains Maliantriol, Melanin, Nimbidin and Nimbin elements.
Chemical medicine prepared from Neem seeds:-
Extract 500gm seeds from Neem cake. Make a paste by beating the seeds. The paste is put in double layered cotton cloth and is placed in 10ltr water for overnight. Next day rinse the cloth again and again so that the entire effect will come in the water. Then filter this solution and spray directly on the crops. For one acre land, 3.1kg neem seeds are mixed in 80-200ltr water and are sprayed.
Extract seeds from Neem cake which contains 30% oil content. In 500gm oil, mix 200ltr of water and 250gm Detergent powder and spray it in the one-acre land.
Medicines prepared from Neem which is certified by Central Insecticide Board such as 300ppm (Oil Base) and 1,500-10,000ppm (Solvent Base) is sold in the market. 5ml medicine is mixed in 1ltr of water and then spray is done.
Neem cake powder:-
By beating the fruits, neem cake is prepared. Powder made from extracted seeds from fruits is more beneficial than powder prepared from fruits. It is recommended for 1qtl/acre land and for nurseries, 2qtl/m2 is recommended.
Preparation of spray from Neem fruit flesh:-
100gm of Neem flesh is put in cotton cloth and is soaked in 1ltr water. After soaking it is filtered and then it is mixed in 1ml soap water and is used for spraying.
Multiple values of medicines prepared from Neem:-
- Spraying is done by mixing of chemical medicines with them. By this way,use of chemical medicines will reduce upto 25-30%.
- Spraying of Neem medicine should be done in morning or evening time.
- By the application of Neem cake powder the multipurpose effect is seen on the field. For e.g. it prevents plant from nematodes and fungus. By this way the land elements gets easily mixed with the plant.
- Neem affects the life cycle of harmful insects such as eggs, larvae etc. and prevents from beetle, caterpillar and hoppers. It is less resistant to sucking insects.
- Use neem flesh with Urea. This increases the effect of fertilizer and prevents from harmful insects and diseases living on the ground.
- For termite protection, 3-5kg Neem powder is added in the one-acre land before and after seed sowing.
- For the protection of root knot, 50gm Neem powder is soaked in 50ltr water overnight and then spraying is done.
Neem essence:-
Place Neem leaves and thin branches in 100 ltr utensils and filled it with water. When Neem leaves turn yellow then take out older leaves and add new leaves. Repeat this process again and again till leaves stop turning yellow and the branches start germinating new plants. Then filter the essence and used it for spraying in 300ltr per acre land. By this protection of pest and disease is done and the crop will grow exceptionally good. Its spray is mainly done in vegetable crops.
Mixture 500ml Neemextract, 500ml karanja extract, and 100gm biofertilizersare sprayed for the protection of American and other caterpillars.
Homemade Remedies:-
How to control aphids and jassids on crops by domestic treatments:-
The control of these pests can be done by different methods. At the time of pest attack, the neem oil spray or blue sticky traps/cards are used for crop protection. Along with this, spraying of sour buttermilk is also helpful to protect crop from pests. The information regarding how to use all this is given below in following points.
It is the sticky trap which comes in yellow or blue color card. The sticky material is applied on these cards. Yellow card/traps are used for normal crops such as rice, wheat, cotton, sorghum, maize, sugarcane etc. Along with this blue cards/traps is used mainly for blue or violet color vegetables such as Brinjal and other crops such as Carrot, Okra etc. The traps are tied with the sticks. The length of the sticks must be similar to the height of the crop. Then it is placed on different places across the crop. For one acre land, 16 traps are required. The price of one card is approximately 20-40Rs. The flying insects such as aphids, jassids, hoppers and other insects in the field gets stick to this card. By this way crop can be protected from harmful insects.
You can also make this card at home by applying grease on iron plate and is tied at different places. This Domestic technique is also beneficial to protect crops and vegetables from harmful insects.
This spray can also be prepared domestically. This neem oil spray is beneficial to kill the eggs of aphids, jassids and other insects. In addition, it does not allow the hoppers, aphids or jassids to sit on the crop. As neem oil is bitter in taste so it will not allow the insects to suck the juice from the top of the leaves and as a result the crop gets protected from aphids and jassids. It is also available easily in the market which comes in 1000ppm quantity. If market neem oil spray is used, then dosage of 50ml in 15ltr per acre should be used. As per research it is seen that domestic neem oil gives better results than the market neem oil.
For the preparation of neem oil spray, neem seeds are required. Gather the neem seeds and mix it in water and then boil. Boil it for 40-50 minutes. After boiling place the mixture as so that it will attain the room temperature. After cooling, rub the neem seeds on your hands. After rubbing filter the solution with the help of cloth. At the time of boiling you can also mix neem leaves, Datura leaves and Asafoetidia (Hing) in the mixture. The extract of neem seeds@300ml in 150ltr water for one acre land is used for spraying. This domestic way is also useful to protect crop from harmful insects. Spraying can also be done after the interval of 7 days.
Sour buttermilk works both as an insecticide and fungicide. The older the buttermilk is, the more beneficial it is for the crops. It is very beneficial for the control of stem borer caterpillar, twig caterpillar, and other juice sucking pests. The fresh buttermilk should not be used as it is not effective in prevention of pests. For the caterpillar control, 1 year old buttermilk can be used. For spraying purpose, buttermilk must be 15 days old. The dosage of 3-4ltr in 130-150ltr water for per acre land should be used.
Leaf curl caterpillar harms the crop upto greater extent. This caterpillar reduces the crop yield upto 3-15kg. The life cycle of this caterpillar is approximately for 25 days. This will attack the crop after 7-8 days of their birth and then they again attack after 20-22 days of their birth. They live inside the leaves. It takes food from the inner part of the leaves and then rolls the leave and moves forward. It makes the white lines on the leaves as it moves forward. For the control of caterpillar use 1 year old buttermilk. For spraying, buttermilk must be 15 days old. The dosage of 3-4ltr in 130-150ltrs water for per acre land should be used.
Turmeric acts as an anti-fungal and is used to fill the wounds. Spraying is done when caterpillar attacks the parts of the crop or cuts that part. At this time spraying is beneficial for the crop. At that time it works as an anti-fungal for the crop. Along with this the part where fungus attacks and causes injury, turmeric spray is done for protection. Dosage of 50gm in 15ltr water is used for per acre land.
At the time of plant development many major deficiencies are seen. At starting time zinc, phosphorus, boron, sulphur deficiencies are seen which shows the symptoms of yellowing of crop. Along with this due to the deficiency of micro-nutrients, the plant turns brown in color and leaves turns yellowish or brownish in color. At that time to get rid of the deficiency from nutrients, domestic or organic ways are used. To complete the nutrient amount in plants organic solution is made, following ingredients are used to make the solution:

- our buttermilk (15 days old): 4-6ltr
- Pakistani namak: 1kg
- 1 Utensil (drum or bucket) having 10ltr capacity
- 1 piece of copper (any copper utensil)
Take a drum or bucket and add 4-6ltr sour buttermilk and place copper utensil on it. For 4 days keep this material in shade. Avoid it to place in sunny place. After 4 days when the color of the buttermilk gets changed, at that time remove the copper utensil. After this boil Pakistani namak@1kg in water. Boil it until all the Pakistani namak gets melt. After that add this mixture in the mixture of sour buttermilk and mix it well. By this way the spray is prepared and by spraying it, the amount of nutrients is fulfilled. This mixture is enough for the one acre land. Spraying is done by mixing this mixture in 100-130ltr water for per acre land.
To control mites, spray of sour buttermilk or neem oil should be done. Boil asafetida@40gm in water. The asafetida should not be in powdered form. The asafetida which is in the form of gum should be used. Firstly mix it in 100ltr water for per acre land and then it should be used for spraying.
Along with this, sour buttermilk or neem oil is used to control the mites. For the plant growth, spraying of sour buttermilk@4-6ltr or neem oil@1ltr in 150ltr water is used.
After seed germination, the crop growth is necessary. The mixture of sour buttermilk@3ltr and Pakistani namak@1kg is firstly made. For good plant growth and development, spraying should be done after 20 days of seed sowing.
After 15 days of spraying of sour buttermilk and Pakistani namak spray, spray prepared from dung cake is used for the growth of plant. To prepare this spray one year old dung cake is required. Place these dung cakes in a big drum having capacity of approximately 80-100ltr. For the preparation of spray for one acre land, 15-18 dung cakes are required. Put 50ltr of water in this drum and then add dung cakes in this drum. Soak these dung cakes in water for 4 days. Prepare this mixture in shade. Within 4 days the dung cakes gets solubilized in water and the water gets reduced to 25-30ltr. Prepared dung spray is added in 150ltr water for per acre land. By spraying, good growth are seen in crops. This spray makes the leaves and plant soft which will help in good growth of the crop. After 15-20 days again spray is done for the good growth of the plant.
It is also known as chicken’s manure. The dosage of 12-14qtl for per acre should be used. Avoid usage of this manure in higher amount as it heats up the crop. If quantity is used more than prescribed then the crop starts drying. Don’t left the manure in an open place near the sun. After application of manure in the field, mix it well in the soil and then apply water in the field. This will help to protect the friendly bacteria because by leaving the soil as such in the open area will kill the harmful bacteria. Use this manure at the interval of 3-4 years.
The FYM manure which is prepared from the cows and buffalo dung and other animal waste. This manure must be 1-2 years old because old manure is helpful in crop growth. Fresh cow dung contains methane gas and it is very warm. If fresh cow dung is added directly in the field, it invites the termite which will infect the roots and harms the crop. Along with this, due to the presence of methane gas they warm the field. In fields 8-10 trolly of manure is added in per acre land. Add this manure again after 2-3 years. Don’t leave this manure open in sunlight in the field for long time. After application of manure in the field, mix it well in the soil and then apply water in the field. This will help to protect friendly bacteria because by leaving the soil as such in the open area will kill the harmful bacteria. Along with this application of FYM will result in more growth of weeds which is a disadvantage of this manure.
Green manure is prepared from Cow pea, Dhaincha, Moongcrops etc. For the preparation of green manure these crops are grown in May month and are harvested after 30-40 days form the main fields. To obtain good yield from the crops, manure is added every year in the field. Along with this paddy straw can also be used as a green manure. Rather than burning the paddy straw, cultivate or mulch the paddy straw in the field. With this the fertility level of the soil will remain maintained and helps to protect from destroying of friendly insects. Along with this adopt the crop rotation method every year.
Before sowing, seed treatment is necessary to protect seeds from soil and fungus borne diseases. Along with this the seed germination capacity will also increases.
By domestic way the treatment of seeds can be done. Soak the seeds in water depending upon the quantity of seeds and add salt in water for seed treatment. In this add one potato and salt. Add salt till potato starts floating on the water. When potato starts floating on water then stop adding salt and then place the container in shady place. After this spraying of jeevamrit is done on the seeds and then rub the seeds softly with hands. After rubbing, sowing is done. At the time of sowing there must be enough moisture content in the seeds. It will help in early seed germination.
White fly harms the cotton crop in extreme. Due to this reason the leaves starts rolling. It mainly affects in rainy or in moisture season. For its prevention, Camphor (mushak kapoor)@100gm is boiled in 100ltr light warm water and then spraying is done for per acre land. Along with this another method is also available for its prevention. For its control, use Heeng@100gm which is present in gum form and mix it in 100-130ltr water and then spraying is done for per acre land. By this method white fly can be controlled.
In crops, root rot disease is commonly seen. Due to the formation of fungus in the roots, root rot begins. For its control, at the time of irrigation bind the fitkari in cotton cloth and place them in furrow from where water is coming. It is necessary to place fitkari in cloth because by placing this directly in the water will result in early melting.
- Trichoderma is an organic fungicide which controls soil or seed borne diseases.
- For seed treatment, trichoderma is used @5-6gm/kg seeds and for soil treatment, use 1kg of trichoderma and mix it in 100kg rotten cow dung and is used at the time of last ploughing.
- For cutting or root treatment, take 200gm of trichoderma and mix in 15-20ltr of water and then dip the cuttings in the solution for 10 minutes at the time of transplanting.
- Mix trichoderma@3gm in 1ltr water and then spraying is done 3-4 times at the interval of 10-15 days to prevent from air-borne diseases.
Important ingredients to prepare Herbal Spray:-
Plastic Drum: Capacity of 100 Ltr, Cow Urine: 60 Ltr, Onion: 1 Kg, Ginger: 1 Kg, Garlic: 1Kg, Green Chilli: 0.5 Kg, Neem Leaves: 2.5 Kg, Acacia leaves: 2.5 Kg, Thorn apple plants Leaves: 0.5 Kg, Papaya Leaves: 0.5 Kg
Procedure to make Herbal spray:-
- Collect cow urine in a drum.
- Grind the available ingredients to make paste.
- Mix all into the drum.
- Keep stirring the contents stored in the drum at the interval of 5 to 6 days.
- Herbal spray will get ready in 40 to 45 days.
Method of Use:-
- Spraying of herbal spray is done at the interval of 20 days to protect against insect and disease.
- Mixing 20 liter herbal spray in 100 liters of water gives better results when sprayed in 1 acre of land.
Control of termites:-
Termites are the major pest which will create many problems in agricultural area. In one group of termites insects contain 2500 species, their nests are underground. It affects the household furniture and crop roots. Many organic and local ways are used to control the termites. Some preventive measures are as given as follows:
Pot method:-
Necessary things:-
- Sheesham wood
- Mud-pot
- Cotton cloth
Preparation method:-
Gather the Small pieces of Sheesham wood and put them in the mud pot. Cover the face of pot with cotton cloth having small holes on it. The pot is studded in the soil in the way that the mouth of the pot will remain 1 inch above from the soil. After few days, lots of termite will occur in the pot, heat the pot by taking it out to finish the termites. Stud 15-20 pots in the same way in different places. Change the wood 3-5 times.
Organic solution:-
Necessary things:-
- 3-5kg Karanja leaves
- 3kg Neem leaves
- 1kg castor oil
- 10ltr cow’s urine
- 2kg white Dhatura leaves
- 50gm Surf
Preparation method:-
Boil the Karanja leaves, Neem leaves and Dhatura leaves by adding in 10ltr cow’s urine. Boil till the cow’s urine will remain only 5ltr. After boiling place them to cool. Then filter the solution and mix castor oil @1ltr and Surf@50gm. This mixture can be used for 6 months.
Method of use:-
Mix the 150ml solution in 16ltr water and then used it for spraying on branches and roots as required.
To prepare Jeevamrit, it requires old cow dung@10kg, old soil@1kg (collected from near the Peepal or Banyan tree), ground pulse@1kg (it can be besan, masur, maah) and jaggery (Gur)@1kg. Mix all these things and put in 200ltr large drum. Keep the 1/4th part of the drumempty. Fill the drum with 150ltr of water. Place the drum in the shade and shake the solution with the help of a large stick so as to mix all the material. Cover the drum with gunny bag. Place the solution in shed for 48 hours. At this time shake the solution 4-6 times in a day. By doing this, the chances of reflux would reduce. The JeevAmrit gets ready in 2-3 days. After that it is used in plants. At the time of irrigation mix the JeevAmrit in water so it can be given in the main field.
Other way of preparing JeevAmrit:-
For preparation of JeevAmrit, first take cow dung@1kg. In one gram of fresh cow dung contains almost 33 crore microbes (i.e. 330 million microbes). First make a fresh paste by mixing some water in the cow dung. Only use fresh cow dung as it contains more and more active microbes. Mix the paste in 10ltr water. After that, pour the mixture in 1ltr of cow urine. The urine helps in production of bacteria which is necessary for increasing photosynthesis in plants. After that take jaggery@50gm and 12 rotten bananas or jackfruit or any other rotten sweet fruit and mix them together and kept them for 3 days. This will help to feed bacteria and thus promotes reproduction and fermentation. During this time, stir the mixture three times a day 12 times clockwise and 12 times anticlockwise. By doing this the microbes gets distributed and accelerate the process of fermentation. During this time the mixture should be kept covered. After 3 days, dilute the mixture in 100ltrs of water at this time the number of microbes present in the mixture will be at its peak. To maximize the potential we have to dilute it in 100ltr of water. The final diluted mixture is called JeevAmrit. When you water your fields, JeevAmrit will take them to the plants which pass them on to the produce.
To prepare Jeevamrit, it requires old cow dung@10kg, old soil@1kg (collected from near the Peepal or Banyan tree), ground pulse@1kg (it can be besan, masur, maah) and jaggery (Gur)@1kg. Mix all these things and put in 200ltr large drum. Keep the 1/4th part of the drumempty. Fill the drum with 150ltr of water. Place the drum in the shade and shake the solution with the help of a large stick so as to mix all the material. Cover the drum with gunny bag. Place the solution in shed for 48 hours. At this time shake the solution 4-6 times in a day. By doing this, the chances of reflux would reduce. The JeevAmrit gets ready in 2-3 days. After that it is used in plants. At the time of irrigation mix the JeevAmrit in water so it can be given in the main field.
Other way of preparing JeevAmrit:-
For preparation of JeevAmrit, first take cow dung@1kg. In one gram of fresh cow dung contains almost 33 crore microbes (i.e. 330 million microbes). First make a fresh paste by mixing some water in the cow dung. Only use fresh cow dung as it contains more and more active microbes. Mix the paste in 10ltr water. After that, pour the mixture in 1ltr of cow urine. The urine helps in production of bacteria which is necessary for increasing photosynthesis in plants. After that take jaggery@50gm and 12 rotten bananas or jackfruit or any other rotten sweet fruit and mix them together and kept them for 3 days. This will help to feed bacteria and thus promotes reproduction and fermentation. During this time, stir the mixture three times a day 12 times clockwise and 12 times anticlockwise. By doing this the microbes gets distributed and accelerate the process of fermentation. During this time the mixture should be kept covered. After 3 days, dilute the mixture in 100ltrs of water at this time the number of microbes present in the mixture will be at its peak. To maximize the potential we have to dilute it in 100ltr of water. The final diluted mixture is called JeevAmrit. When you water your fields, JeevAmrit will take them to the plants which pass them on to the produce.
Medicines Prepared from Cow Urine & Dung:-
Animal’s urine and dung extract:-
Mix 12.5kg animal’s urine, 12.5kg dung, and 12.5kg water and place this mixture in sand pot and cover it from the top. Place as such this mixture for 4 days and sometimes mix this mixture with a thick stick. After 4 days add the lime powder in the mixture and prepare the solution in 200ltr water for per acre land.
Mixture of cow’s urine:-
Spraying of 30ml cow’s urine in 1ltr water is done 2times per month on onion, tomato, and pomegranate crops.
Mixture of Cow’s urine, dung, and ash:-
For the control of sucking pests such as jassids, a mixture of cow’s urine @50ml, dung@20gm and ash@40gm in 15ltr water is used and is sprayed 2-3 times.
Mixture of cow’s urine and Desi Ghee:-
Cow’s urine @20ml and Desi Ghee@30ml is mixed in 12ltr water. This mixture is sprayed 2-3 times in larvae stage of pests.
Bio injection:-
It is prepared with cow urine, dung, and water. 1kg cow dung is mixed in 200ltr water and is placed in water or spray tank. In one sack, add 50kg of dung and then hang it on above the spray tank in the way so that half of the sack touches the solution. Leave the sack as such for 25 days. If sack gets spoil then change it. After that, use bio injection for spraying at the time of seed sowing and farming.
Other Homemade Organic Medicines:-
Mixture of Chilly and garlic:-
Take 1.5kg green chilies and remove peduncle. Crush them well and then put these crushed chilies in 25ltr water and soaked them overnight. The second mixture is made by using 1.25kg garlic and 625ml kerosene oil and is placed overnight. On the second day, mix 15ltr detergent in 1ltr water. All three solutions are mixed in a single utensil and place it as such for 4 hours. Filter this mixture with the help of a cloth and then mix it in 200ltr water and do spraying.
Mixture of green chilies, onion, and garlic:-
Crush half kg green chilies, half kg onion, and half kg garlic
Mixture of ash and kerosene oil:-
In 10ml kerosene oil, add 1kg ash and mix them well. This broadcast is used to prevent from jassids and red beetle of the gourd family.
Mixture of clayey soil:-
1kg clayey soils are mixed in 100ltr water and then spray it.
Mixture of tobacco:-
Extraction of tobacco leaves is done and then thesolution is mixed in 1ltr water. Spraying is then done 2-3 times. It is mainly used for caterpillar pest protection.
Spray of extract of Sadabahar leaves:-
Extract of Sadabahar leaves 100ml in 15ltr water is mixed. Then spray is used in cotton or other crops at the time of boll formation to prevent from caterpillar or other pests.
Castor oil spray:-
To protect grains from pests in the storage room, a spray of castor oil is done and then theroom is closed.
Custard apple paste:-
200gm of custard apple paste is mixed in 1ltr water and place the solution in a bucket overnight. Next day, at evening time, take 150ml paste and mix in 15ltr water and then spray in standing crop. This will help in disease prevention.